This was a good one!
The back and forth between Amelia's view and Ramses' view continues, and it's an effective device that adds an interesting dimension. This has been the case for the last several books, and I enjoy that. We learn the different perspectives, and the failings in Amelia's view.
I really enjoyed the description of Ramses and Nefret finally learning of the others' romantic attraction. It has been building for a long time in the series, but we never knew how Nefret felt about it. Towards the end of this book, they come together, and it seems so right. I really wanted this to work! They are both such admirable characters, and the fact that Emerson and Amelia (the parents and step-parents) are completely oblivious to this development makes it even more interesting
When Nefret, unaccountably, suddenly marries someone else, it was very upsetting to me! I had to remind myself that this is all a story. It's just from Peters' brain! But I still cared, and do care. I wonder if her reasons will come out in the next volume. I am tempted to skip to the last book in the series to see how it all turns out, but I think I will just go on to the next. Maybe I'll learn why Nefret would turn aside so quickly. It can't be because of Ramses' "daughter;" yes, she could end the relationship until she had further information, but to actually marry such a lukewarm character? That doesn't make sense. I'm hoping Peters will shed some light on this in the next book.
And, in the meantime, I'm getting more and more curious about Egypt. I'd like to take a trip, if it were just a little easier...